Marvellous Minds

Fabulous Feelings

Awesome Actions

Discover the benefits of this simple step-by-step guide to developing and maintaining a positive mindset in your life. From affirmations on post-it notes to regular situation reports on your progress, immerse yourself in a new day-to-day routine to boost your life.

Witness your life transform for the better to reveal the best version of yourself and impact those around you as share and shine!


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Pam Welli Njawe is an author and a healthcare professional with a deep passion for supporting individuals to be their best selves and live happy and fruitful lives.

She works mainly as a manager in Public Health in England and has worked to promote health and wellbeing in the National Health Service for 18 years. Her roles have included clinical nursing, nursing management, student and staff mentorship and public health programmes management and oversight.

Make That Switch is her first book and was born from the desire to share the many lessons she has learnt and that have helped her evolve into the happy and positive person she is.

Pam believes that everyone can and should dig deep within themselves to find the peace and happiness that can support them in achieving their goals and living the best versions of themselves. In doing so everyone can be of service in a unique way to their communities and society.

The tools, tips and exercises are brilliant in their simplicity and in that one can apply them anytime, anywhere, as often as needed, in just about any context. The key is in the self. Pam is amazing in how she breaks it down and brings it home. A must have!!!

Jayne Ekema, Switzerland

Pam’s book resonates deeply, is practical and an easy read has depth and flow. Those who know and have been exposed to Pam’s wisdom will attest that this composition sums up a delicate blend of the lessons learnt through her life experiences and a deep passion for making the world a better place.

Her victory has always been the desired positive outcome that rises above the call of duty, serves and responds to a need greater than the self and in sync with the greater collective good.

This book traces and echoes her footsteps in its narrative represents tried and tested principles and philosophies that have shaped the beautiful soul wrapped in the inspirational label we call Pam today. She is a beacon of true character that hails from a commendable value system deeply entrenched in her person.

Inspired by a will to make a difference, she is driven by simplicity and seeks to inform through sharing which is ingrained in her selfless giving.

You will get more than just a book, this is a recommended read, the more of it I read, the more of it I want to read as I see her journey which is by and large a universal journey, one that cuts across and applies to all works of life, it is culture or creed agnostic.


Banseka Maimo

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